Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Court Researcher - sort of from home

Court researchers work from home, but go into courts during the business day to obtain information. See Ad below

JBS (Jellybean Services) is in need of court researchers across the United States. Please check our website for total availability.

Depending on the client various for each area. Some require you to go to the district courthouse, superior, circuit, or county administration building. The rate you make will depend on how fast you collect the information. Like anything, it pays based on how many records you collect. You won't get rich, and you're not going to start off at $30/hour. Most researchers average $8-14/hr and increase as time goes by as they become quicker.

Requirements for this position:
Laptops are required, it makes life easier.
Internet access
Typing of at least 30 WPM
Availability DURING business hours of 9-5, Monday-Friday
Available MINIMUM 5-10 hours/week.
Available to work independent without kids coming along
Willing to cover MORE than one county
Able to follow directions (If you list "USA" for your counties, it WILL be deleted)
Able to check your e-mail DAILY
Honesty on your application
Dependability and accountability are a must!

You must visit within 4 days of being hired. Please, serious applicants only.

To apply, please go to our website at http://www.work4jbs.com and click on "Careers". From there, you would click on the link for Court Researchers application.

The work that was offer is not detailed research. The average record takes no more than 30-45 seconds EACH to collect all the required information. We're looking at basic information. You don't need to have a law degree, just reliability and self-motivation. Again, to apply, please visit our website at http://www.work4jbs.com and click on Careers.


JBS/Jellybean Services

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